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The Matrix Online | Forum » The Matrix Online - Message Board » Broadcast Depth » QA Test Server Patch Notes » Hallo Gast [Anmelden|Registrieren]
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Invisible Data Miner


Redpill seit: 11.02.2005
Beiträge: 728
Herkunft: HvCFT Prophecy
Server: Input-Hostile
Organisation: Merowinger

Level: 46 [?]
Erfahrungspunkte: 5.135.828
Nächster Level: 6.058.010

922.182 Erfahrungspunkt(e) für den nächsten Levelanstieg

Text QA Test Server Patch Notes 01.06.2005 16:54 [OPTIONEN]

*Punishing Blows can now be activated both in and out of Interlock combat.
*All Disguise Tools now list their required minimum levels.
*Stealth Countermeasures now only disrupts the stealth Abilities of hostile characters.
*Equations for opening locks and hacking computers have been adjusted to make raising those Abilities worthwhile.
*Backup NPCs now respond to alarms and security cameras.
*Players can now use /afk to mark themselves as away from their keyboards.
*Players now get a text message when their PvP flags are turned on or off.
*Ranged Combat Tactics no longer give a bonus to dodge rolls.
*PvP flags no longer turn off while the character is involved in combat.
*Antibiotics now work like a 90-second Negative Condition Sweep. Each has a percent chance to remove negative effects (including Stun and Pacify) that is checked every 5 seconds while active.
*Weapon loaded on the Close Combat shortcut button now always appears when the button is used to engage in combat.
*Characters successfully withdrawing from Interlock are now immune to being drawn back in for 5 seconds after withdrawing.
*Multi-on-one Interlock now works correctly with more than 3 players involved.
*Contacts now show whether they have available missions or not on the Contacts panel.

Players can now use /afk to mark themselves as away from their keyboards.

Ich hab sowas bei DarkAgeofCamelot auch gesehen, es bringt nichts. Andere gehen trotzdem auf einen los, besonders wenn man grad sitzt und die AFK Flag an hat. Also weiterhin immer schon in die Loading Area gehen wenn ihr AFK geht.

Antibiotics now work like a 90-second Negative Condition Sweep. Each has a percent chance to remove negative effects (including Stun and Pacify) that is checked every 5 seconds while active.
Toll, wenn man also von nem Hacker angegriffen wird und versucht den Virus wegzubekommen kann man auch durch die Antibiotik Pill gestunt werden oder sonst noch was unglücklich
Damit wird der Hacker um ne Ecke stärker.....

Multi-on-one Interlock now works correctly with more than 3 players involved.
Gott sei dank hamse das endlich gepackt smile

Note: This is a very short list of all the changes in the patch on QA Test right now. Keep an eye on Data Node One later this week for a more complete list.

Na dann, bin mal gespannt was da noch alles kommen wird smile
Ich hoffe ja noch drauf das der Spy ein bischen stärker im Infight wird smile
Oder zumindest beim KnifeThrower die Messer besser treffen, da ich am überlegen bin auch den Knifethrower zu machen ^^


Ingame-Nick: Zachar1as || lvl: 50 || Faction: TheCausality || Team Pr0ph3cy Matrix Online Clan

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